Feeding The Needy

Feeding The Needy


Removing the hunger – feeding the needy children

Highlights of the project

Thousands of children will get one square meal every day leads to solve malnutrition by removing the hunger.

Children will concentrate on studies by which their education level as well the economic level of the family will increase in future.

This project will lead to avoid classroom hunger of children, improves school enrolment and attendance and get lot of benefits.

Children will maintain good health and maintain their immune system.

Children are not forced to undertake or indulge in theft/ anti social activities for getting money/food.

Employment opportunities will be created to so many hundreds of people in the local area because of the volume of the project.

Removing the hunger – feeding the children - how

Step – 1 Government Schools and Govt. Aided Schools will be identified and all the required statistics will be collected and charted down properly viz. Name, No. of Children, Location, Distance from T.V.Malai, Existing food system and other details.
Step – 2 Identification of different routes and arrangement of schools in each and every route accordingly.
Step – 3 Preparation of food in line with the existing food already supplied to the school children and strengthening it.
Step – 4 Food supply vehicles of required number will be purchased and modified with all necessary infrastructures for storing the prepared food suitable for transportation and distribution.
Step – 5 Centralized modular kitchen with mechanism and latest technology for food preparation and also with Hygiene / Nutritious way at the proposed land located in Tiruvannamalai
Step – 6 Obtaining all required permission from the authorities concerned.
Step – 7Working in co-ordination with the policies of the State Government.
Step - 8 Ensuring maintenance of cold chain of operation without fail.